
Results / Outcomes of the EIE-Surveyor project

Navigation on the EIE-Surveyor CD

Direct download of the complete EIE-Surveyor CD (13.5 Mb)

1. The alignment of Generic, Specific and Language skills within the Electrical and Information Engineering discipline -
Application of the TUNING approach

ISBN: 2-9516740-2-3, (3 Mb)
  • Anthony WARD
  • Jozef JASENEK

  • 2. Quality and Accreditation in Europe: implication in Electrical and Information Engineering
    ISBN: 2-9516740-4-x, (2,5 Mb)
    You can download directly the following sub-parts (2.1 or 2.2):
  • Jose Luis MARZO-LAZARO
  • Dervis DENIZ
  • Daniel PASQUET
  • Cyril BURKLEY
  • Michael HOFFMANN
  • Extract 2.1: Quality assessment of some resources in EIE available through internet, pages 5-43 (1.3 Mb)

    Extract 2.2: Analysis of existing accreditation procedures, proposition of a methodology, pages 45-68 (710 kb)

    3. Overview of the Bologna Process - Implementation in Europe in Electrical and Information Engineering
    ISBN - 2-9516740-3-1, 542 pages, (4,3 Mb)

    You can download directly the following sub-parts (3.1, 3.2 or 3.3) or the files describing the countries:
  • Maria João MARTINS
  • Jean-Marc THIRIET
  • Gert JERVAN

  • Extract 3.1: New Trends of Electrical and Information Engineering Higher Education in Europe, pages 5-13 (651 kb)
  • Maria João MARTINS
  • Extract 3.2: New Trends of Doctoral Studies in Europe: Special Considerations for the Field of Electrical and Information Engineering, pages 15-23 (43 kb)
  • Michael HOFFMANN
  • Olivier BONNAUD
  • Extract 3.3: A contribution to improve the level of mobility in Electrical and Information Engineering Higher Education in Europe, pages 25-33 (300 kb)
  • Hamed YAHOUI & al.

  • Download below data concerning each country (file between 30 and 300 kb):
    Belgium Bulgaria Czech Rep. Deutschland Eesti
    Espana Finland France Greece Hungary
    Ireland Island Italia Latvia Lietuva
    Luxembourg Malta Norway Poland Portugal
    Romania Slovensko Turkey UK Ukraine


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